Cate / Thomson

Quick Response

Installation / Interface Design

Vinyl decal / Mobile interface / Foam core construction 5' x 4.5' / Foam core / Vinyl decals Mobile / Html / Css / Javascript/

Winner of the international Adobe Design Achievement Awards 2011 in Installation Design

Published in the How Interactive March 2012 Magazine

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Once it was discovered that QR codes could still function once they were "broken," or mapped onto multiple planes, my objective was to allow a 'reader' of codes to become aware of the space they were in. Using a constructed, multi-surfaced ZigZag wall, an applied vinyl QR code permitted for a mobile component to explain the background of the entire interactive Quick Response project, featured at the 2011 College for Creative Studies' Student Art Exhibition, which the ZigZag wall was a part of. The entire project itself was indeed, a group of effort.